
Yet another post about Finals

Why? Because I’m a law student, that’s why.

I didn’t realize it was possible, but my motivation has actually decreased.

If there is any up side to this, it is the lack of stress I’m feeling. I’m not completely stress free, but compared to last year, I’m on Cloud 9. The stress I do feel isn’t even related to the exams. As for studying, I think that 1 to 3 is a fair estimate as to how much I’ve studied this Fall for finals compared to last Fall. I am screwed and I have come to grips with it. It’s called Acceptance. It’s also the final stage of grief.

Oh and what kind of idiot schedules an interview in the middle of finals in a city two hours away? An idiot that is both pretty damn stupid and pretty damn desperate. In other words, me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't done all that much studying either, but I'm not feeling good about it. I'm likely to develop some sort of tic once grades come out. You'll know because I'll be the guy who is twitchy.