
Misc. and Westlaw Still Sucks

It amazes me exactly how often the people at Westlaw Googles themselves (and the phrase “Westlaw Sucks”). I would think they would have something better to do on a Sunday night.

Anyhow, since you are here, Mr./Ms. Westlaw, can you please explain why you ended Westlaw Trivia on December 16? At UT, finals run until December 22, and I suspect more than a couple students still use your service. If you want to say that you are too cheap to hand out points for an extra week, that’s okay. It’s also okay if you want to say that UT’s administration is to blame for having finals so damn late. Also, feel free to comment that you cater your programs to more elite schools. I anxiously await your reply.


And for those of you needing another distraction before your next final,
here you go. I am sorry that it’s not as addictive as clubbing baby seals.


Oh, and I don’t mean to sound like a braggart, but I’ve just been named
Time’s Man of the Year.

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