
Three down

One to go.

I am beat. Physically, mentally, and any other way you can think of. Over the last two days I have had my two hardest finals ever. The one I have left, I’ve been told, should not be a problem. But there is a problem, I’ve done zero work for it all semester. That’s not an exaggeration, either.

One more thing, after some discussions with classmates, I will never take B.A. with Sokolow nor Fed Courts. From what I’ve heard about those finals, I don’t want anything to do with them.


Anonymous said...

Who lied to you? Fed Courts was fun.

Ex.Coll. said...

Did someone lie to me? I heard it was an 8 hour exam in which all 8 hours were necessary. It must also be said that my source is a sick masochist and actually liked that.