

Warning: Do not read this post if you do not want to hear the obscenity laced rant of a Law Student preparing for finals. Also, there will probably be more misspellings and typos due to my current enraged state.

In preparing for one of my finals, the Prof suggested using some internet based sample questions. I swear this program is just fucking with my mind! I am even more confused now than when I started this damn exercise. I don’t know what right or wrong, here or there, up or down.

The first exercise went something like this:
Statement of facts. Question, yes or no.
I click “yes”
Then the program says: but consider that blah blah blah. Now answer your questions again.
I think, Hmmm, that’s not how I remembered that issue, but maybe it’s right. Click No.
Computer then says, Wrong, the correct answer is “Yes.”
Then why did you give me all that other blah blah blah bullshit when I got the question right?

After a few of those, and contemplating throwing my laptop across the room, I think maybe it’s just too late, I need some rest.

Now this morning, I try the program again and get an experience like this:
Facts. Question, Yes or No.

I click no, because I think that’s the answer. The computer replies: “Wrong, the answer is Close.”

What the fuck kind of answer is close? How the hell am I supposed to learn anything with a damn answer like “close?” This isn’t a mother-fucking in-person hypo, where the prof is trying t hammer out the nuances of the law. This is supposed to be a yes or no answer. This isn’t an essay question!!! How do you expect me to answer “close” if I can’t make an argument?

I hate you, internet learning!! Damn your eyes (if you have them). Damn your children! May the wrath of Posner, Scalia, and John Marshall fall upon you. May you be attacked with the vengeance of a thousand viruses. May your servers be infected with worms, and I don’t mean computer viruses. I hope whoever wrote these dame questions and answers is happily living in a box under a bridge somewhere eating what other bums throw away.

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