

Wow. I thought the offerings for this semester sucked. The courses offered for the fall are abysmal. The following professors won’t be teaching any upper-level courses: Anderson, Smith, Young, Dz, Rau, Reese, and Sokolo. There will also be no offerings of BA and only 1 PR. Con Law II also seems to be offering slim pickings, and I don’t mean this guy.



Lizett! said...

Seminars suck too. One tip - you can take Crim Pro: Investigation with Dix and have that count as Con Law II. I already took a Con Law II and just took it for funsies. Good class.

Ex.Coll. said...

There were a couple of seminars I was interested in and considered taking, until I remembered that I’m already pulling out my hair in the seminar I’m in now. Only a true masochist would take two seminars.

Anonymous said...


Was that comment directed at me?

Ex.Coll. said...

Are you a masochist, Chup?

Anonymous said...

Great work.