
Jenkens & Gilchrist – RIP

People really don’t mourn when a law firms dies, do they? They shouldn’t.

Wether or not this causes you to mourn, it looks like Jenkens & Gilchrist is getting ready to head to the big Court of Appeals in the sky (down below?). Sorry, Jenkens, it’s the court of last resort.

It’s not official yet, but there are reports, more reports, and more reports, that indicate it’s coming soon. Some reports even come from across the pond.

Despite all this, Vault still lists them as one of the best places to work (#17). It did mention a “downer” was the “recent bad press.” Not many ways you can spin the closing of offices and the exodus of lawyers into good press.

All I have to say is, one more down, too many more to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just one more reason to rely exclusively on Vault when making employment decisions.