
It’s that time of year again.

Time for the Stupid Bar Association elections. It’s been a year since I first commented on this act of stupidity. (The link in the old post no longer works. If you have the current link, please post in the comments.) While the “controversies” have remained at bay (so far), my essential question remains: what’s the point?

Based on my rather cursory glance at the “platforms” in the Atrium, there have been no changes. Even the lone sober candidate is the same, Jason. For that alone, he is worth my vote. I guess I will do what I did last year, one vote and the rest blank, unless, of course, someone can explain to me why SBA is worth my effort.

Can anyone convince me that the SBA is worth the effort it takes for me to circle a name on a slip of paper?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just because it's not important to you, doesn't mean it's not important to lots of other people, especially the candidates. Furthermore, I hope you're not reaping any of the benefits of SBA if you choose to put them down. I, for one, went to almost all the events this year and had a great time. So I will be voting. That's the point.

Ex.Coll. said...

Anon 2: Good for you. You cast that vote.
Offhand I can’t think of any of the “benefits” of SBA I’ve received, but I might be wrong. But is that really the point? Isn’t the SBA supposed to represent the students at the law school and not just plan keggers? As for it being important to others, I know it is. American Idol, The Apprentice, and Survivor are important to others too. Personally I don’t care about them and think they do nothing but reduce entertainment to the lowest common denominator. But guess what, that’s my opinion, and you are free to have yours. Now go on and vote for the more kegs, bigger bar tabs, cooler hair, and longer recess or whatever it is that SBA does.

Anonymous said...

I dispute the fact that SBA is important to anyone. It's possible that some people have deluded themselves into believing that SBA has some meaningful role to play, but I'm confident that they'd see the light if they'd only sit down for a minute or two and think things through.

Anonymous said...

ex.coll.blog.... i don't have comments on my tumblelog (www.coleslawtumblelawg.net... SHAMELESS), so i'm just going to send them all to you and you can take the heat. thanks sweet-ums.

Ex.Coll. said...

I thought you were sending all your comments here? https://www2.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=35079898&postID=8604570314762639939
I'm hurt. And after you called me sweet-ums.

Ex.Coll. said...

I guess that link didn't work. It was supposed to link to Debauchery Per Se's comments about his endorsement.

Anonymous said...

E.C.L: DebaucheryPS is a *Pro* SBA, you're a *Con* SBA... I'm sorting accordingly (read: sending whichever comments to the blog that will dislike them the most).

and dont think that making your ico J.Cash will butter me up that easy. (it totally does)

Ex.Coll. said...

I used to use a cropped ico from this image. Maybe next time. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/