

Podcasts will cause me to fail out of Law School.

Well, they'll at least contribute significantly to it.

Last summer I got an iPod, a nice little 1GB Nano. I quickly filled it up and thoroughly enjoyed it, until it got stolen. My regular reader (hi Mom) might recall my Ode. Anyhow, I replaced my Nano with a new Nano, this one an 8GB. It wasn’t long before I realized that the 8GB is about 6GB more than I need, then I found podcasts.

At first, I searched iTunes for podcasts on cigars. To my surprise there were several, I tried most of them. Then I searched for music I wanted to learn more about. Bam, four or five more. Then news, then commentary, then politics, then….

I now have well over a dozen that I subscribe to and many more I’m trying out. And for me it’s not enough to just subscribe, no, I have to listen to the last 10-15 episodes to make sure I’ll like it. I have hours and hours to listen to (maybe even days) and the sad thing is that I actually look forward to listening to them throughout the day. It won’t be long before I’m planning my day around them.

Journal/class/seminar/clinic/student org./volunteer work/paid work/family time be damned, I have to catch up on my podcasts!

I’ve never been more thankful that I didn’t get the 30GB iPod Video.

1 comment:

Hawk McGee said...

I, on the other hand, subscribed to several podcasts, but quickly realized that I almost never have time to listen to my iPod at all. So I dropped them. Sadly, I'm still not getting everything done.