
I was a poet and didn’t even know it.

I was sitting in the Lounge this morning discussing my most recent post. The conversation soon moved from criticism of my most recent attempt at haiku to the lack of legal limericks. A Google search proved to be pretty disappointing, but it did come up with this blog. After reading them we agreed most were pretty bad and that we could come up with much better ones. I don’t know if that was proven by this sampeling, but without further adieu, I present more legal limericks. (Names have been redacted to protect the guilty when necessary.)

There once was a law prof named Mitch

Whose students all thought him a bitch.

There was too much to read,

So they all then agreed,

He’d be better off found in a ditch.


Contracts with Rau was quite bad.

The students all thought they’d been had.

Damages was all that he taught,

Till their brains started to rot,

Now they all have gone quite mad.


Wills is a class, it’s been said,

Whose material is dense as lead,

But the key to remember,

All the way till December,

Is in the end, everyone ends up dead.

-- Ex.Coll.

Ascher once taught a tax class.

His delivery was smooth as glass.

Some clauses did bite,

As Congress did write,

But they pulled all out of their ass.


UPDTE: This site has much better limericks the the previously linked to blog.

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