
Four years can fly by.

It had to have been in early November of 2003 when I heard about this. The actual anniversary is today. Michael Barrera was a friend of mine. The day of the funeral, I followed in the procession approximately 15 miles to the church, I experienced one of those moments that people are compelled to photograph and forward in emails. Along the road were groups of complete strangers, some a small as 2 or 3, some with probably a hundred or so, most held American flags as they blew in the wind, some saluted while others put their hand over their heart, all were solemn and respectful. Some people driving the opposite direction, pulled over, got out of their car, and watched with respect as the entire procession, which was probably about two miles long, passed. A small tribute to a person who was willing to make a sacrificed most of us wouldn’t.

Rest in peace, my friend.

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