
Tuition rate increases

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of the forthcoming tuition rate increases. They suck, but they were expected.

When I was a 1L, I learned that the University (or was it the Law School?) was so “concerned” that tuition was rising that they imposed a three year freeze on tuition. “Great for me, sucks for the class of 09,” I thought. I was right. I assumed what the school did was raise it the year before by more than it needed and was going to really stick it to the students as soon as the 3 year freeze was over.

So now many people are pissed. I can’t really say I blame them, but maybe the school really does need to raise tuition. I have no idea if they “need” the money, but I do know, based on my current job situation, there are too many lawyers coming out of law school right now. Maybe I’m just being hypocritical since I won’t be affected by the increase, or maybe I’m bitter because I’m unemployed, or maybe I’m just spending too much time thinking about this because I don’t want to study, whatever the case, I’m tempted to just tell everyone bitching about it to get over it.

Schools do whatever the hell they want and they really don’t give a shit about you until you’re an alum and they can hit you up for $$$ (and tell you if you give, they won’t have to raise tuition). They already have you here and you most likely aren’t going anywhere; they have no reason to do a damn thing you ask for. As for the next wave of students, I doubt this will be a major concern given the majority of students are paying for school with loans. I know a lot of people are thinking how important cost in when choosing a school, and maybe for them it was a major factor. I do think a sizeable majority would still be at UT even if the cost of school was higher. I know I would.

That said, I probably will still send an email to Sager, complaining about the increase, the process, the “secrecy”, and whatever other talking points are circulating. Not because I care, and certainly not because I think it will make a damn bit of difference, but because I like to give Sager a hard time.


A said...

Tell him to send it straight to Rick Barnes! Give that man a fucking raise!

Actually, Sager said the issue's still in the pipe and will remain there, but even if that's true, I'd still be down for throwing some cash Barnes' way. At least he seems to make something out of it.

Anonymous said...

But why would you want to bother Sager when he sent such a nice, understanding, not-condescending-at-all email to us explaining what's going on with the tuition increase?
