
free advice (and worth every penny)

It's the most crappiest time of the year (for law students).

There is no time worse than Fall Finals season. You have the stress of the 1Ls who have no idea what sort of mess they are in for. Add to that unemployed 2Ls who are trying to boost their GPA in an effort to improve their job prospects. Mix in the paranoid, employed 2Ls who think they might loose their job offer if they don't do well, or they want to improve their GPA to improve their job prospects for next year. Oh, and you have the unemployed 3Ls, who are stressed, but not due to finals, but due to lack of job. Once you have all that in one place you end up with the environment of stress. Those who have never experienced it probably don't know what stress in the air feels like. It feels like shit. My advice to all of you, especially 1Ls: get out. Find someplace else to study. Go to another library, an undergrad or even a community college. Find a park you can read at. Grab a bench on the Mall. Seriously, get out; You'll thank me for it.

Oh, and you could probably do well with a small distraction (Hawk introduced me to it, and it's still one of the best).

1 comment:

Hawk McGee said...

that's just mean. why did you have to bring back Snowball?!