

So far this has been a great month for cigars. While I’m nowhere close to the 5/week I used to smoke, I’ve had a fair amount this month. Here are some highlights:

Fuente Fuente Forbidden X – a 6 1/4 x 48 cigar encased in a glass tube. This is the one the came with the Fuente DVD a couple years back. A great cigar. Spicy, yet smooth. This one had a couple years in the ‘dor so it lost some of it’s bite, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I have one left, and I’m waiting for the right occasion to smoke it.

Hemingway Work of Art (Natural) – I would rank this cigar #3 in the list of best Hemingways (with the Untold Story at No. 1 and the Work of Art (Maduro) at No. 2) but in a line like the Hemingway line, being number 3 is pretty damn good. As I smoked it I appreciated the complexities that you can only get in a 60 ring cigar. Its shape is perfect to be able to comfortably accommodate a 60 ring cigar in a shot length. Unfortunately, I had to cut this cigar short because on an emergency. I wish I had another, but alas, I don’t.

Camacho Coyolar Perfecto #1 – There is no other way to say it other than this cigar kicked my ass! I tend to favor full bodied and strong cigars, but this one was unbelievable. It’s a very small cigar, and I couldn’t even get past the halfway point without getting wobbly knees. After that it wasn’t long before the lightheadedness and cold sweats came one. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach. Easily one of the three strongest cigars I’ve ever had. Unfortunately, all this one had was strength. There was little flavor and no complexity unlike the other ass-kickers. In terms of strength, this was comparable to an Opus X BBMF, however, the BBMF is far and away a better cigar. While it will kick your ass, it has a very unique flavor profile and is complex form beginning to end. The Camacho was much like drinking Everclear straight from the bottle, no enjoyment.

I also enjoyed a few other cigars including an ISOM Ramon Allones and Partagas, but this post is already too long…

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