

Wow, I've been posting a lot these last few days. Looking over my posting over the last week, they seem pretty negative. So to lighten things up a bit, here’s a little Ex.Coll. joke telling:

Ex.Coll.: Hey Jimmy, next semester’s schedule sure is crappy.

Jimmy: How crappy is it?

Ex.Coll.: It’s so crappy, I’m thinking of taking Rau again.

[rim shot]


Anonymous said...

Is Rau that bad? I have him this term and have experienced constant confusion. This makes K my #1 difficult class.


Anonymous said...

I think I'll take the bottle of strychnine instead.

Ex.Coll. said...

I had Rau last year. He was certainly entertaining, but I don’t know crap about contracts. The only thing I remember is Luten Bridge.

My advice to anyone taking him now is to drink while reading the case book, when reading the case always try to figure out why the judge was wrong, and find the “Rau Bible.” Oh, and don’t bother wasting money on a Gilbert’s or an E&E, he’s so off the wall they won’t help.

Anonymous said...

Is Rau that bad?

I heard his voice the other day and had to suppress a Pavlavion urge to perform Seppuku.

Hawk McGee said...

I, of course, love Rau so much I named my blog after a quote of his. That's not to say I know anything about Contracts...