
Yet another disturbing sight

I’m getting tired of seeing disgusting stuff. Really, I am.

The other day I was in a library (not the Tarlton, thankfully) and I heard the call of nature. I went to the men’s room, where I proceeded to the urinal nearest the wall per the unwritten rules of the men’s room. As I was, ahem, “taking care of business,” in walks another man. An enormous man. A Ginormous man. Seriously, this guy was EASILY over 350 lbs. He takes the stall two down from me, also following the aforementioned rules. No problem… yet.

I finish what I need and walk to the sink to wash my hands. I look into the mirror to both wonder why I ever gave up my career as a male model to pursue law school and to regret not covering up my hair with a cap in when I stepped out to face the day. As I look into the mirror, to my dismay, I see that Mr. 350+ was at a urinal clearly and conspicuously visible from my mirror.

What’s the big deal, you ask. Well, Mr. 350+, for whatever reason, was peeing like a 3-year-old boy. For those of you unfamiliar with the peeing habits of a 3-year-old boy, it is done with one’s pants down to his knees. So as I look in the mirror, expecting to see myself and my untamed head of hair, I see a Mr. 350+’s ass. Not a pleasant sight. Not at all.

Please excuse any more typos than usual in this post as I am shuddering as I type.

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