
Nice Hypo, Lexis

Yet another reason to prefer Lexis over WestLaw:


And so it begins

Wish me luck. . . I'll need it.


Legal Research VI

Okay, maybe this one's not really "legal research," but seeing this video clip did cause an interesting debate on whether this is a good tape for the defendant. I contend it is.


Hello Out There

I'm curious whether there are any soon to be UT 1L blawgs out there. If you come across one, let me know.


Look into my crystal newspaper.

It appears the Statesman can see into the future. Check out the dateline on this story.

To the editors at the Statesman: next time you print the future, please make it the sports page. Thanks, Ex.Coll.


Not-So-Legal Research

You know those little red locks Hollywood Video uses to lock the DVD cases?

They are a bitch to get off.


Legal Research V

This is something that really did surprise me. With the exception of judicial races, and cash donations, and in some cases, timing, there is no limit to political campaign contributions for state, county, or city offices. When researching this, I refused to believe this. I looked for hours to find a statute that didn't exist (and no, this wasn't the first time this summer when this happened). Finally, since time was running our on my deadline, I called the Texas Secretary of State, who led me to the Texas (lack of) Ethics Commission, who connected me to a very nice staff election attorney who confirmed this lack of limits.

Just goes to show, you get the finest government money can buy.


Dynamite Warrior

Yes, I know I just posted about movies a few minutes ago, but this movie warrants its own post.

I've started getting into martial arts films these last couple of years. I haven't seen many and I really don't' know what to look for when I do see one. My criteria thus far has been if it made it to the US, it's probably pretty good. So far that rule has served me well. Then came this piece of crap.

I take that back, "crap" doesn't begin to describe this movie. It was horrible. Bad. Putrid. Shit.

I have no idea how (or why) I managed to watch this in its entirety. It was horrible. I should have turned it off after the opening fight scene when the main character flew through the air riding on a firecracker.

Tomorrow, I'm returning it to Hollywood Video and demanding they take this movie off the history of things I've checked out. And I want my two hours back.

Movie Notes

I've been watching a lot of movies this summer. It's been fun, and I've seen several excellent movies. I've also seem some crap. Because I rarely watch TV anymore, I have no idea what movies are coming out and what's available so I end up going to the video store having no idea what to look for or get. Usually I end up with something I either heard was good or, based on the cover, looks decent.

That is how I found The Contract, starring John Cusack and Morgan Freeman. It wasn't until after watching the film I realized it was a direct to DVD movie. The only reason a movie staring two, well-known, good actors can go straight to DVD is if the studio looked at the finished product and sad "Damn, we fucked up." And they did.

However, this movie did make me come to the realization that I've grown quite fond of cheese.